Thursday, October 18, 2007

Espresso: A shot of masculinity

That's the title of research paper. If you're on a university computer you can probably get a copy here. Here's the abstract.
Coffee was once viewed as a masculine beverage. When coffee crossed the threshold of the home and entered the kitchen, it lost its male exclusivity. The espresso shot has not made this journey from the public to the private domain. History has shown that the home is the female center of control. Men must journey outside of that domain for control. The "third place" provides this, the classic example being the tavern. The drinks that accompany this third place are inherently masculine. Also, if modern culture maintains that strong drinks are for strong bodies, the association between espresso and men applies. As a shot of liquor is concentrated alcohol, espresso is concentrated coffee and provides an accelerated caffeine "intoxication." While coffee evolved beyond its masculine origins, the espresso shot has retained its masculinity by virtually avoiding entrance into the home and by the nature of the drink itself.

Amazon's top selling espresso machine

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Espresso powder?

Have you ever heard of something called espresso powder? I hadn't. But it appears to be something you can buy in a store for use in specialty cooking of some kind.

But it also says you can substitute fresh brewed espresso which, to me, just seems like the better choice.


Amazon's top selling espresso machine

Anything to fill up the newspaper page

Here's part of a Q/A out of a story in the Arizona Republic.
Question: What does Average Joe need to know when ordering coffee?

Answer: Drip coffees should be brewed within a couple of hours of being consumed - otherwise, they start to lose their flavor and the acidity comes out. They become bitter. With espresso, what you want to make sure of is that the espresso is used immediately. You're getting a more intense flavor when steam is forced through the coffee . . . the oils emulsify and they end up at the top. It's called crema. The air bubbles (from the steam process) burst in the back of your throat, and that's what gives you that lasting taste. Blended coffees should always use fresh espresso. If they don't, you lose flavor.

The answer given is of course the answer to the question "What does the average Joe need to know when serving coffee?" It's not an answer to the question asked.

The Average Joe ordering coffee just needs to know that the idiot giving that answer is owner of a place called Over Coffee and can pretty much not be counted on to listen to you if you try to place an order. Go someplace else.

Amazon's top selling espresso machine

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Espresso and cholesterol

Cholesterol levels is one of the few health areas that hasn't fallen apart for me, I have sugar problems and blood pressure problems, but so far my cholesterol levels are okay.

But is seems that if you do have a cholesterol problem you shouldn't drink espresso without running it through a paper filter.


Amazon's top selling espresso machine

Award winning espresso
